Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cap'n Willy battles the Hoar Bats from Hell

As you know the Cap'n has a small but tastefully appointed retreat on quiet and secluded Lake Tageesh. It's quite appropriately named Chateau du Shaque du Lac.

Several years ago it was invaded by bats. The common name for this species of bat is the Little Brown Bat. The Latin name is Pesticus Rodentia Volancia Infernum. The Cap'n, as a rule, has no aversion to sharing his abode with any number of woodland critter. But, these bats are starting to irk the Cap'n to no end. They are imposing on the Cap'ns good nature. They shit and stink the place up to high heaven.

Never one to shirk his duty, the Cap'n has taken up arms in order to repel the obnxious little pests. By arms the Cap'n means 10 cans of spray foam.

To the battlements me hearties !!!!

Sending down for supplies

A well deserved sit down on the family throne.

The battle is but half finished, one more weekend and the boarders will be locked out.

Fortunately for the Cap'n the little flying rats migrate south for the winter so the Cap'n doesn't have to worry about the fanged freaks suckin' his life's blood out.

Because the Cap'n has a soft side he will be putting up a stupid ass bat house for the furry flying buggers.


Dan said...

Would have still picked up the overall gist of this item without photo #3

Stefan said...

Thanks for sharing - now I know for sure you are of royal blood!