I was recently chatting with a friend via email. We were discussing the Member of Parliament (MP) for Yukon, Ryan Leef. Leef is a big fan of mixed martial arts (MMA) and he holds the view that MMA can be used to combat bullying, (checkout this whitehorse star article). I'm not sure how that works, maybe it has something to do with the bullied kid being able to punch out the bully, I dunno.
It seems to me that if we use MMA to combat bullying, wouldn't it make sense to stop unwanted teen pregnancies by making sure teens got plenty of sex ?
When talking about right-wingers and their solutions to problems you inevitably come to the questions: How can people be so stupid as to vote these guys ins ? How come we are not extinct ?
I'm not overly concerned over the fact that human idiocy will eventually result in our demise. In a very real sense we deserve to go extinct.
What bothers me is that we will probably be responsible for the extinction of 90% of the other life forms on this planet.
On the bright side, the roaches wll still be here.
I can see 2000 years down the road: An alien lands on the planet and finds a bunch of cigar smoking roaches that speak with a Brooklyn accent. I suspect the the first thing the roaches will say is something like: "Hey bub, you from outta town?"

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