I've already filled the position as head of the Swiss Guard. It's some guy I know, Felix something or other. I forget his last name but that's not important. The important thing is that Felix is an actual Swiss person - how cool is that ? You bet !
Felix was a poor yet humble swineherd from some mountain in Swissland. He'd herd them swines up the mountain in the morning and then herd them back down at night just in time for swine milking. Now it's adios to the bucolic* life as one of the simple folk and it's on to the bright lights of VC**.

So, I know people out there are thinking, how can I get a classy job like that with such a classy hat. The answer is simple: join Cap'n Willys pope team. If Felix can do it so can you. Who'd a thought a simple swineherd would ever amount to anything ? Certainly not me. Anyway he heard the "Calling" and ponied up to the table and look where he is today.
Apply now, the time is right.
*I just love the word bucolic although I'm not entirely sure what it means
** Vatican City.
I thought it would fancy up this post to add footnotes and it sure does.