Friday, January 18, 2008

Enough is Enough

I was home sick the other day. I sat around watching the US news channels. They spent the whole morning following Britney's SUV to the LA County court house for some court appoinment of some kind. Of course, they did this by chopper.

What's this world coming to ?

Is it any wonder terrorists hate the US ? The US is out supporting governments that are unpopular; governments that kill and torture people. On the home front what do we see on the news networks ? Choppers chasing Britney !!! Jeeze Looweeze !!!

I'm gonna go down and buy a couple of bottles of whiskey; then I'm headin up the North Klondike Highway. I'm gonna stick my thumb out and wait for some aliens to pick me up. That's it I'm leavin' this planet.


frankdog said...

I was flicking through the channels a couple days before the Oscars...

ABC - Oscar Red Carpet preview

NBC - Oscar Red Carpet Preview

BBC - Turkey invades norther Iraq

CBS - Oscar Red Carprt Preview

CBC - Canadians at the Oscars

CTV - Oscar Red Carpet preview

Anonymous said...

I hope Cap'n Willy gets the treatment he needs.